Church Leaders
Welcome Church Leaders!
Thank you for visiting. You have likely come here looking for information. We hope you find our vision and description of organizational affiliation helpful.
What you read here is outward-facing. The voice here faces out to the world -- primarily to the faceless college student, who is often justifiably skeptical. She might be unchurched, or anti-church, or de-churched. This is our voice. It is not a ploy or a tactic. We hope you will see that it is evangelical in the best sense: "good news.”
You are likely asking, “How similar are they to me? Can I trust them?”
We love Jesus, deeply and confidently, because He has first loved us. And we want others to know His deep love as well. For some, we recognize, this will not be enough. But it is a foundational starting place and is hopefully fertile ground for a relationship.
We see ourselves as your servants -- both your servants and servants of the pastor down the street. We care deeply about the strength of local churches and our collective witness to the world. This is God’s field, and we are so aware that any good that we are able to provide for students is dependent on what you do.
We love to work together with like-minded friends. If you would like to know more, speak with us personally, or partner in some way, please reach out.